

Hippie spirits, long hair, and lot's of pictures and videos! I'm Aubrey, he's Chance, and we have a baby on the way! We are a little family intentionally making the most of this life that we have together. I started "While We're YOUNG" after Chance and I got married so I could document the big and small things (good & bad) of our lives through writing, photography and videos. We love being creative and exploring everywhere that we can, mauling each other (our more accurate word for the way we cuddle), and working together doing photography and video.

I met Chance in College where he had this reputation that he didn't really care for dating however, he had lots of friends that were girls and the girls looooved him! He was 24, virgin lips, and almost never went on dates. Well we became really good friends and took a class together and I would always tease him about dating and do my best to convince him that being in love and getting married would be the best part of life. One day our teacher asked "How is everyone's dating lives?" and I said, "Chance won't date me!!"... Well we only became closer and closer friends, and because of his strong reputation I didn't even realize he had been asking me out a bunch of times and I kept turning him down because I thought I should do my homework! I always assumed the things he was asking me to do were with a group a friends! One day he told it to me straight, "Aubrey, if you can't tell I really like you and I just want to get to know you more!". I was shocked and pretty much smitten after that. He takes care of me, helps me be a better person, encourages my hopes and dreams, and can fix ANYTHING! I love him.

 I LOVE documenting our family, especially through changes! Our most exciting upcoming changes are:

Our first baby, Due March 25! You can check out all my pregnancy updates HERE

And we are currently fully restoring a 1976 Airstream trailer to make our first home! Yes, we are going to LIVE in it! You can check out all our progress and updates with the restoration HERE

Through this blog, we hope to keep a detailed record of our lives as well as lift others up and inspire you to live the life YOU want and make your dreams a reality. Thanks for stopping by!


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