

1:51 PM
In my eyes and on my part, Chance's birthday was a total fail, unfortunately. He's cute and was happy, but here was what was supposed to happen: I was supposed to wake up early, before he got up for work, and decorate our little place. When I was growing up, every year on our birthdays my mom had the dining room decorated and...

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Honey Moonin'

2:47 PM
Chance and I took FOREVER to decide what we were going to do on our Honeymoon. Both of us a "frugal-save every-penny-if-we-don't-love-it-we-are-not-paying-for-it" kind of people. Which is actually something I'm really happy about. However, when it came to choosing a Honeymoon, we wanted to do something really cool for really cheap and usually the two do not coincide. So we searched groupon for...

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It Starts

11:03 PM
We're married! After a whole year and a half of dating, WE ARE MARRIED. GUYS! YAY!!!! I've always always looked forward to being married. When I was little I didn't even think so much about the person it would be, but to think about being with your best friend, having sleepovers every night, having someone to always stand by your side, and someone...

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