

3:19 PM
2014 was a year different than any other year I've ever had. Not a bad different. Just a different. And I can't really put my finger on it. It's a million little things I suppose. Haha I want to be really insightful and say it was the best year or that I came out a changed person... Those things are true, but I'm...

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8:45 PM
         What a busy Christmas break with Christmas and all, my oldest brother's wedding (more to come on that) and a new baby!!              Welcoming my newest little niece, Sophie Nilsson! I love her so much already and she makes the cutest little noises (much like a baby dinosaur). Love her sweet face! ...

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9:12 PM
Handmade gloves from Norway! Christmas you guys. IT SNOWED. IT SNOOOOWWWWWEEEDDDD!!!! I woke up, immediately looked out the window, and started jumping on the bed with joy! We lined up (just like at home haha) and walked in the living room to see our gifts separated into piles by Santa. Santa came. He gave me some great new work out clothes and shoes,...

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8:35 PM
  One of my most favorite days of the year! The day before Christmas is a special one. I love gathering with my family. There's always     good food, and laughter.  And focusing on the meaning of Christmas is so refreshing. Even though there's been no snow this season, it's been such a special one!   Grandma's tree is a little scraggly, but...

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11:08 AM
It's Christmas Eve, and we are super busy and I have so much I want to say I just don't have time AHH.  So Merry everything to you! Love us. Our first "Merry-d" (married) Christmas! ...

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This and That

8:49 PM
       Here's a little bit of this and that; what's been happening in our lives lately!        Chancey boy and I have been married for 6 months! What a milestone marker, am I right? Ha! Cheers to many more months of marriage to come, complete with me hogging the bed, and you eating all the ice cream. Happy 6...

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