A few things to mention w/pictures:
I was about time for a change! I no longer have virgin hair! Okay so actually I did bleach a strip of my hair that one time and dyed it with blue kool-aid... But other than that, my hair has never been touched by hair dye chemicals. And guess what. Even after dying my hair, it still hasn't been touched by hair dye chemicals! Don't believe me?
I dyed my hair with henna! All natural, plant based, hair dye. The only reason I never dyed my hair before was because I was afraid of damaging it and the up keep. So I found a natural way to dye it and I am ONE HAPPY CAMPER. Chance was such a trooper and spent an hour putting the goop on my head (the goop which smelled like poop... and looked like poop... haha). After I rinsed it out my hair was SO SOFT! Henna is used as a conditioning treatment too, so not only is in not bad for your hair but it's actually good for your hair! Look, I'm not being paid or anything to write this stuff, I'm just literally so happy with it. Fun changes!
One year ago, Chance took me back to the place we had our first date, and said to me "Aubrey, I love you so much. I want to be with you forever! And I'm so sick of waiting!!!" And to be honest I'm not even sure if I let him finish out his thought, or maybe I did but I was just giggling with pure joy that I don't remember it. And I'm pretty sure I said yes 5+ times. I can't believe that was a year ago. What the heck guys!! I love that Chance's brother caught this on video, and you can watch it here.
Mini Cadbury eggs in February? I suppose it is to go with this early 60 degree weather too. But I'm not complaining!!
We were supposed to make this heart shaped pizza on Valentimes day, but we got so full from Olive Garden that we ended up not wanting to make it because we weren't hungry. So we made it on a different day, and it's so cute. Homemade pizza success!
This cutie loves face-timing. Oh my heck I love her. She was being so friendly and I loved it.
A few things to mention w/out pictures:
- Work holidays are God's gift to full-time workers. President's day, (how do you even celebrate that) we just slept in and hung out, doing whatever we wanted! Then it makes the work week shorter. So so nice.
- We finished watching the Harry Potter movies... again. My life is over... again. (cry face)
- I met my blog friend Emily in real life! I'm sure most of you are familiar with her, because I think a good percentage of my blogs readers came from her Friends IRL facebook group. When blog friends become real friends, it is a good day. We had several "parent trap" moments and are totally on the same page about photography life. Happy happy!
- Per Utah's natural characteristics, it was sunny today. Then it rained. Then it snowed. All after a week of 60 degree weather. Typical.