A few photos from Mothers Day:
Chance and I went to Delta on Saturday to be with his family and his Mom for an early Mother's Day, since we had to be at church to direct the primary in sacrament meeting and then teach them later. We gave her some raspberry plants and a card with a pin that says "Mom Off Duty". It was so cute. We just hung out and barbecued outside and had a bon fire. It was great! I love spending time with his family.
On Sunday, we lead the primary to sing their songs in Sacrament meeting for their mom's... they were very quiet. Dang it! Then in primary we got out of singing time because the presidency had them make cards for their mom's instead... SCORE. Chance made me that cute card in primary.. what a sweetheart.
After sacrament meeting, we went to my parents house to see my mom and give her a card too. We went with her to my grandparents grave so she would put some flowers for her mother. She misses them so much, it's a little heartbreaking to see.. but I know she is making them proud!
We got to skype McKay for the LAST TIME before he comes home in August!! He is seriously the cutest kid. We can't wait to see him!
We went to Grandma Nilsson's after to celebrate with family. Delicious food as always and even better company. We got to talk with Chance's brother Jordan as well, since he is back out on his mission! At my Grandma's my siblings and I gave our Mom her gift, which was a picture frame (that I bought her years ago and haven't filled...) with all of our pictures in it including the nieces. She loved it! We also gave her this HUGE canvas of the nieces (that last picture) and she REALLY loved it.
I'm so thankful for a Mother who shows me a wonderful example of being a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I love how excited she is to see me when I come home, and I am so happy to be her only daughter!! I love you mom!!I'm so thankful for Chance's mom who has always been so kind and welcoming to me in her family. She is so loving and thoughtful and I really couldn't have asked for a better mother-in-law! Love you mama Cheryl!!
Happiest Mother's Day to all the mother's!!
I'd love to hear your thoughts!