Here's just all the random stuff: Let's all take a moment and appreciate my HUSBAND'S HAIR. Unreal. Daily commute consists of a lot of editing these days. At least the frontrunner has tables and outlets! This berry picture I took[I don't really know if those are berries] leaves me feeling really content. Life is good. 7/11 free slurpee day! Couldn't pass that up!...

CHANCE HAD A BIRTHDAY!! [another month late post. oh well!] My Chanceryan turned 27 last month! Hahah 27!!! That's almost 30! And my favorite thing to hear is Chance say "...... I remember when my dad turned 30.".... Hahaha! We are behind on the whole children thing ;) Last year I felt like a failure on Chance's birthday. I didn't decorate until he...

ONE YEAR ONE YEAR ONE YEAR!!! [a month late... circumstances did not permit us to celebrate our anniversary on our actual anniversary, 6/13, except for going to Chilis for lunch, but the rest of the day I was shooting a wedding.. so here is the celebration. Better late than never!] Guys, does anyone even do this anymore? Save the top of their wedding...