8:30 AM


[a month late... circumstances did not permit us to celebrate our anniversary on our actual anniversary, 6/13, except for going to Chilis for lunch, but the rest of the day I was shooting a wedding.. so here is the celebration. Better late than never!]

Guys, does anyone even do this anymore? Save the top of their wedding cake and eat it on the first anniversary? I'm pretty sure they don't, because at all the weddings I've shot this year, when I instruct the bride and groom what to do for the cake, they always cut the top, and I'm like "uhhh you're not supposed to cut the top because you're supposed to save it for your anniversary!" and they're like "nah we aren't gonna do that." And I'm like, whaaa?! I mean, it's not very appealing, but... tradition!! Haha, to each their own, ya know, but as for me and mine we saved ours!

My mom saved the top of our cake [that you remember, one of my best friends, Emmie, MADE!] WITH the flowers on top, in her freezer for over a year. We finally made it to her house to pick it up. To our surprise, LOOK AT IT! It's in mint condition! Okay, actually the flowers are pretty smashed on the other side, but obvi I would only take pictures of the good side ;) So I made Chance suffer putting on our wedding clothes to celebrate.  I'd also like to note that I fit in my dress BETTER than I did than when I got married! Woohoo! 

Aaaaand guess what. The cake was not GROSS! I mean, it was actually pretty good, but the thought of it being a year old made us not really want to eat more than a bite. But we were surprised!

It's so fun to think on the past year with my Chance. He has made life the greatest adventure and has brought me so much happiness. We don't get to go on a lot of trips, we don't have nice clothes, and we don't go out to eat hardly ever, and although all that stuff would be great and we would totally have it all if we could, it's not necessary for genuine happiness! Some of my favorite memories are just here in our apartment laughing together and making do with what we have. Like our explosions in the kitchen or Lord of The Rings Marathons. I'm so grateful to him for keeping this little place of ours clean all the time and doing most of the "house wife" things. And he appreciates that I'm doing most of the "bread winner" things too ;) He shows me more love than I can even handle sometimes [like he mauls me so much and I'm like 'get off!' hahaha], and he is the most selfless human! He's always looking out for me and what will make me happy most, but also my family, and his family. He's taught me so much and really increased my knowledge just of everything! Life, love, the gospel, politics, haha everything! I love learning from him! He is my very best friend and I feel more in love with him than I ever have! We haven't left the "honeymoon phase" and we never plan to!

Happy Anniversary my sweets! Our best days are ahead of us!

Side note: I don't think I documented this anywhere. The night before we got married, I didn't start packing for our honeymoon until like 11 pm. We were going for a week and I was in no mood to think of all the things I needed to bring. I was so tired and I just wanted to go to sleep! So at like 1 am I finally made it to bed. I thought it would be like Christmas Eve where it's so hard to fall asleep, but I was out so fast! I got up early to curl my hair and go get my makeup done. I had to stop at the store really quick to pick up suspenders for my brothers.. procrastinators to the max over here! Everything was great, and then I went to meet Chance at his Aunt's house. My parents actually got a hotel the night before for convenience to set up all the reception stuff outside at the venue and then get ready without a ton of traveling. They are amazing. So I met Chance, and I got in my dress, I had Chance lace up my dress, and we drove to the temple together. It was fun to go with him, rather than just meeting him there. We walked in the temple together to go where we needed to and then the temple worker lady was like "Oh, we've never had a bride come in her dress already before!"..... GUYS NOBODY GOES TO THE TEMPLE ALREADY IN THEIR DRESS!.... Hahahaha I felt like such a fool! I was just really excited I guess? Haha I just didn't know. Duh, Aubrey... anyways, that just needed to be written down somewhere. You can read/see the rest of our wedding HERE :)

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  1. oh my gosh - this entire post was perfection. you write about marriage so eloquently and in a way that describes it SO perfectly! it is really the most incredible life to have your BFF by your side. i know not everyone is dirt poor when they get married, but we were and i am really grateful for that time. we really learned to lean on each other and not "fun experiences" or material things. working on our simple life together really brought us so close and i love your attitude about it! and being mauled by your husband is the best feeling in the world, am i right? HAPPY ONE YEAR! you lovebirds are so cute.

    (also, i wore my dress to the temple, too -- is that not a thing? why wouldn't you wear your own dress to your own wedding?? idk. weird. oh and we ate our cake on our 1 year anni, too. traditions are cool! oh, and one more thing. i love chile's.)

    1. You are so kind, Kayla!! Thank you!

      As much as we talk about the days when we will be filthy rich (haha) we really do have it so good right now, and we know we are so blessed!

      Okay I'm so happy you wore your dress to the temple too!!! I think it's not really a thing because I think most brides these days aren't wearing their wedding dress for the sealing, because their dresses are not white enough, or they have short sleeves, etc, so they just wear nice clothes to the temple, and then they change into their temple dress for their sealing, then after their sealing they changed into their wedding dress to come out of the temple. I definitely wore my wedding dress, and then the little cover thing because I had short sleeves, and all the robes over and everything, but that's why I showed up in my dress! Haha maybe that temple worker just made me feel like a fool!

      High five for wearing your wedding dress to the temple, high five for eating the top of your cake on your anniversary, and HIGH FIVE FOR CHILIS!!!

      We are clearly kindred spirits.

  2. The top of your wedding cake is so cute and I can't believe those flowers are still in as good of condition as they are... wow. I have to laugh because when we got married I had no idea that saving the top of the wedding cake was even a 'thing'! Like nobody told me about it... haha. So sadly I was one of those people who didn't participate in that tradition due to my ignorance, ha. Also I really appreciated the paragraph you wrote about how you guys still have so much fun and happiness even though you don't get to go on fancy trips and go out to eat and stuff because that's totally me and my husband! It's good to remember that happiness isn't made by how much money you get to spend but rather by who you choose to spend your time with.

    1. Thanks Hannah! Hah I know right? They were just frozen like that! Amazing. That's funny you didn't know it was a thing! Like I said, all the weddings I've shot this year, they didn't know either!

      I'm glad you appreciated it. It's all for our benefit going through these times where we don't have a lot of money! Some people just luck out and that is so awesome for them, and heck, I want to be rich and travel too! But I can be happy with what I have too:) I love that! "appiness isn't made by how much money you get to spend but rather by who you choose to spend your time with."


  3. Oh my gosh happy anni you two!! You guys are seriously such a beautiful and amazing couple!! And the flowers looked surprisingly amazing on that cake!! Some of my favorite memories of marriage so far have been lord of the rings marathons ha ha ha!! You guys are wonderful! I laughed so hard at the wedding dress part! I bet it happens a lot! I adore your blog and the two of you! Congrats again!!

    1. Em, you are the nicest! Thank you so much! Can you believe those flowers? haha

      Okay, obviously we need to conjoin our LOTR marathons!! I remember you guys were Gandalf and Frodo for Halloween! Haha the best.

      I'm glad you got a kick out of my dress fiasco. So awkward! haha.

      Thank you thank you!

  4. Ok first of all these photos are so cute I'm pinning all of them. Second of all I LOVE THAT YOU WENT TO THE TEMPLE IN YOUR DRESS HAHAHAHAHAHHA.


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