This last weekend my mom and sisters-in-law all threw Chance and me a baby shower! AH! It was SO fun! As you can see by the pics, the theme was "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How We Wonder What You Are!", since we don't know the gender of our baby. Can you even handle how all out they went?! These pictures seriously don't even...

Valentines Day! Chance and I went to St George for V day last year, and since we live so close now we decided to go again this year, just for a day trip! We woke up early, and traditionally we have had a fancy waffle breakfast for Valentines Day (just like my mom does) but I was thinking about it the other day,...

The Ice Castles! I was stoked to check these out this year. We went a couple years ago when they first started and it was pretty cool, but I thought it was kind of small, and we went at night so it was crowded. They have moved it and made it bigger, with ice slides and ice thrones. It was way awesome! We...