

8:59 AM

What a beautiful Thanksgiving season this has been! The weather has been unbeatable and I have so much to be thankful for! We woke up, watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, did some online Black Friday shopping and headed to my Grandma's to gather with family. We always have an assortment of appetizers at grandma's and I foolishly (as always) stuffed myself haha. Mostly on veggies though so I didn't feel too bad. Indie took like the longest nap ever and slept through a lot of the Thanksgiving festivities, and she wasn't to interested in trying any Thanksgiving food.... oh well! We ended the night as I always do, watching the grinch and lighting our Christmas tree! THE HOLIDAYS ARE THE BEST!

The Sunday following Thanksgiving, was the Thanksgiving themed church service. Wow! I was so overcome with the spirit and with gratitude. One of the speakers quoted Elder Uchtdorf and said something along the lines of, having gratitude isn't just about being happy with the situation you are currently in. It is much like faith and having gratitude for things that can come, in the "big picture". I'd never really heard that before. I've always just thought, I should be grateful for what I have now... which I should.. but what about the things that I can and will have? It hit me hard! This life isn't always easy, but we have a loving Heavenly Father that makes it all worth it, and I am truly grateful for that! I wish I had written my thoughts down sooner after that Sunday because now I've forgotten many of my feelings... but I am just very happy with my life and what I have and may have in the future!

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