

8:27 AM

This post is about 2 holidays too late, but whatever! Soo having a child has slowed me down as far as my festiveness around holidays, so I may not have watched all the Halloween movies I wanted to and I didn't carve a pumpkin, but I still managed to put together a family costume! And I'm in love with it!

"One little monkey swinging in the tree... Teasing Mr Crocodile, can't catch me!! Along comes Mr Crocodile quiet as can be aaaand SNAPPED that monkey right out of that tree!"

The 2 best things about this costume are:

1. Indie makes this hilarious O face and it's perfect for her monkey costume

2. She actually LOVES this song. She smiles so big and totally anticipates the snap. It's the best.

We did celebrate at my grandma's with Chili and donuts, plus allll of Indie's cousins were there (except Sophie and Alfie they live in England). And on Halloween we put on the Spooky dinner again for Chance's family which was a lot of work, but also very fun. Cheesy potato soup with pumpkin shaped carrots in it, green breadsticks, cuties that looked like pumpkins, banana ghosts. Chance's dad set up his turtle tent and they decorated it all fun and filled it with leaves, which was a really fun atmosphere! And I was all proud of my dinner tablescape haha. --We also ended the spooky dinner with a murder mystery, which I kicked off by choking on my drink and dying. No one knew I was going to do it, so I think some people were genuinely concerned, until Chance started his script as the host! But my 2 year old nephew came over to me while I was "dead" on the ground and kept saying, "You okay? You okay?" with the most darling concerned look on his face. We did a big scavenger hunt around the farm and ended the night with candy!  It was a good holiday, even though I didn't take like a single picture on the actual holiday... haha trying to be present I guess? ;)

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