1:20 PM

             As I reflect on my 2014 New Years Resolution, I pretty much failed. Haha... Yikes you guys! I'm just being real here. My 
            resolutions for 2014 were as follows:

"1. Make the most out of my sundays: Listen to gospel music, watch gospel movies, make gospel related goals for the week (service, calling responsiblities), Read gospel books, etc. Come closer to my Savior.

2. Reconnect with old friends. Send letters/messages, set up "lunch dates" to catch up.

3. Learn a new skill. Anything!

4. Promote my photography more. So far I've pretty much only done it for family and close friends, but I haven't really tried to get my name out there. But I got a new laptop AND photoshop. Big things are going to happen people!!

5. Volunteer somewhere."

And here is about how I did on those resolutions:

1. I read 3 gospel related books, and my Sundays turned into "Break" days. Yes it is the day of rest, but I took that literally. Naps are okay, but I'm just saying, I didn't keep my goal, gosh dangit!!

2. Most of my friends were on missions and I actually did write some of them pretty consistently. So I suppose I didn't completely fail at this one.

3. Hmmm. I learned how to play Black Jack.. does that count? (I'll answer that. No. It doesn't count.)

4. Chance built me a photography website, I made a kept up my facebook page, and most of my clients are now people I don't know! So this one I actually did pretty good at. I didn't do exactly what I thought I would with it, but I definitely have progressed and it's been awesome! But like I said, I only have time to do photography on Saturdays now, so I'm as busy with it as I can be right now. It's great!

5. Not once. Nowhere. Oops.

Okay, so I didn't completely fail, but I definitely could have done better. Much better. So don't judge me when some of my resolutions are the same or similar for 2015! Here we go:

(I always have goals to eat better and exercise, so it doesn't need it's own spot on the list.)

+ Read more gospel related books. Make a better effort to keep the Sabbath Day Holy.

+ Spend less time on social media/my phone- don't look at instagram or facebook after I get home from work- However I would like to blog more consistently.

+ Expand my knowledge of photography (and possibly upgrade my equipment).

+ Take videos throughout the year and compile it at the end of the year as a 2015 Highlight movie. I had this goal last year and I did pretty good for a few months and then I just... got lazy I guess. But I really want to do it!

Chance's personal Resolutions are :

+ Start a business. No, for real. And make $100,000.
-basically he is perfect and doesn't need any other resolutions- (my words not his haha)

And our resolutions as a couple are:

+ Have Family Home Evening consistently on Monday Evenings, and read/study the scriptures together daily

+ Plan at least one getaway trip, just the two of us for at least 3 nights/ make more time for "us". 

+ Better Posture in 2015! (seriously, this is a thing. we are working on it!)

+ Have a baby  Chance vetoed this one.

Haha so their you have it. Attainable goals for the new year. I know it's half way through January, I just haven't gotten around to posting this. But there. Now it's been documented and easier to hold ourselves accountable.

no pictures=lame post, I know. This ain't for you, it's for me. Haha.

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  1. These are awesome! I could definitely do a better job at keeping the sabbath day holy, and being more active in my gospel studies.
    And your husband vetoed your baby goal! ... Lame! haha
    Don't worry though - you guys will be there one day.


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