

8:56 AM
        Isn't blogging the neatest? It's such a fun way to connect with people. It's especially nice when they actually live close and you can         become friends IRL. Such is the case with Emily! She asked me to model for her in a stylized shoot, and I agreed even though,    HAH, I'm not a model....

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10:57 PM
      I love any excuse to hang out with my mom, and the LDS Women's General Conference is the best excuse! I got to go up early to     Sandy and just hang out with mom before we left for the conference center. We went to dinner at City Creek, oh yeah forget    Kneaders because the line was out the...

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9:26 PM
Happy Spring! The weather is warmer and the trees are BLOSSOMING (seriously blossom obsessed over here...). I'm so happy about this change of scene. Finally we can start planning to do stuff outside, and it doesn't get dark at 5:00 pm anymore. With this warmer weather, I've officially decided to make a wardrobe change to skirts and dresses. I seriously cannot stand pants...

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12:08 PM
I live for Holidays. I really do. It's so nice to have something to look forward to and celebrate. But man, St Patrick's Day. Like what the heck! I learned that St Patrick wasn't Irish, the official color is NOT green, and that corned beef isn't a traditional meal in Ireland? This holiday is bogus!! And for that reason I just brushed it...

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1:27 PM
LOWS: \\Headaches//The question "What's for dinner?"\\Being the only one in the dodgeball court... Like everyone else on my team got out and I was left to fend for myself. WORST.//working all day every day// HIGHS: //Nerding out during out cardio. Many LOTR references were given. I also just called it LOTR, so that means I'm a real nerd, right?\\Babysitting Layla//Buying cilantro and mint...

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9:16 AM
         Last week my brother Tanner asked me and Chance to babysit their baby girl, Layla, or as we like to call her "Waya".                  Chance and I weren't hesitant to say yes! You see, we are on a mission to make this girl reaaaallly like us. Haha, I say that    ...

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8:46 PM
New song to go with my whole "LOWS 'N HIGHS" posts: High - The Young Rising Sons, It's a good one! Because really, without the lows there ain't no highs. LOWS: Primary Singing time was a huge flop for the Senior Primary//Huge train delay on my way home. We had to get off 4 stops before my stop and I had to wait...

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