

5:51 PM
        It is OFFICIALLY the season of Autumn! I don't know why but I was really stuck on the idea of acting like it was still Summer        until the "Fall Solstice". And I'm usually the over-eager kind of person (ie; playing Christmas music right after Halloween...   Yeah...) Maybe the fact that it's still stinkin' hot outside,...

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3:23 PM
> I just went full time status at work. That's 8 hours of work time and 2 hours of commute time. That's a 10 hour day. Woof. It's cool though, because now I am eligible for benefits which is totally nice. but I wake up at 6 and I don't get home until 5:30. That's slightly depressing. Who would want to get out...

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5:33 PM
       Praise the heavens for weekends, can I get an amen?!        This Saturday was my Grandma Nilsson's 80th birthday! 80! And just as chipper as ever. 40 of us (about half the family...) celebrated by going to Chuck a Rama for an all you can eat buffet. Always fun to get together, eat food, and celebrate Grandma! She's...

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9:56 AM
The Utah State Fair. You can just smell all the grease and fried food just hearing the words "state fair", right? The State Fair is one of those things that you go to, just for the experience of it. Because unless you're ready to spend $80+, all you really can do is walk around. It's a fun atmosphere though. All the little rides...

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4:16 PM
You: +started school and are loving your entrepreneurship class and like to tell me what you are learning +hair is getting LONG! So long that you "bun" it almost every day. Especially when you are eating! +always making sure the house is clean and make the bed every morning before work +tell me you love me all throughout the day! Me: +finding it...

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Night On The Town

11:16 AM
       Provo really has a lot to offer. It may be "Happy Valley" with a slightly negative connotation, but there is ALWAYS something        going on in Provo. The music scene is HUGE and there's always some kind of concert going on. There's farmers markets, and a million unique places to eat. Oh and did I mention there's Google...

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To Our Future Children

1:03 PM
       We make homemade syrup in this house. Always have, always will. But just a word of caution to you. If you ever pour it into a        water bottle as the dispenser, just make sure that you don't close the lid and start shaking it, because it will surely explode EVERYWHERE. All over you, all over the ceiling,...

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Stress Reliever

12:10 PM
        Chance and I had a conversation not long ago that went a little like this:    Chance: Aubrey, I love you. Aubrey: I love you too! Chance: And you're mine. Forever! Aubrey: That's right. Chance: Getting married in the Temple really relieved a lot of stress from me... Aubrey: Haha, what do you mean? Chance: I mean, if something...

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