It is OFFICIALLY the season of Autumn! I don't know why but I was really stuck on the idea of acting like it was still Summer
until the "Fall Solstice". And I'm usually the over-eager kind of person (ie; playing Christmas music right after Halloween...
Yeah...) Maybe the fact that it's still stinkin' hot outside, and I really just can't break out my boots and scarves for fear of sweating myself out. Whatever the reason, who cares, because it IS Fall now. And I am jumpin' and jivin' about it! I'm all about the change the Fall brings. It's still pretty hot outside, oh but I can tell that it's going to start cooling down faster! Fall clothes are the best. Bundling up has never been more fun or fashionable.
My favorite part of the season change this year? Changing our little apartment's decor! We don't have much, but we have enough for it to feel festive.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!