

5:33 PM

       Praise the heavens for weekends, can I get an amen?!
       This Saturday was my Grandma Nilsson's 80th birthday! 80! And just as chipper as ever. 40 of us (about half the family...) celebrated by going to Chuck a Rama for an all you can eat buffet. Always fun to get together, eat food, and celebrate Grandma! She's such a big part of all our lives. We love her so much!

After stuffing ourselves, and really taking advantage of the all you can eat, we came home and went to Chalk the Block!

Like I said before, Provo/Orem always has something fun going on. Chalk the Block is a festival where you can buy a space to chalk up some art. The first year they did it, I wasn't expecting much. Holy goodness! People are talented! I've gone back every year since and am always amazed at the talent. Plus, the Riverwoods mall in Orem is probably my favorite mall to walk around. It's so charming!

Of course this one was my favorite, being that Belle is my most favorite princess. But just look closer... Don't you recognize who that is!?
Hahaha, it looks just like chance and me okay. Yes. It really does. 
(Halloween costume maybe?)

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