I don't know what I'm going to write, but I'm going to write. Okay, actually I've been sitting here for like 15 minutes and I got nothin'. Haha. SO here is a picture I took this morning and I was happy because I didn't even have to wear a coat. Also I really love grainy pictures. LOTS of grain. So yeah. I dunno....
LOWS: Starting the whole30 again and having to hide all the left over Easter Candy...\\Greasy hair for days. I never want to wash it, so what...//mother nature telling me I'm not pregnant (I told you that would be a re-occurring low)\\SUPER dry skin//Snow\\Delayed Trains for days//Even in the world of healthy foods, the yummiest ones aren't the healthiest. Like Almond butter. And I...

EASTER! YAY! We spent last Easter with Chance's family, so it was my family's turn! My parents went camping in this camping park thing in Lehi to test our their new preparedness tent, and other preparedness things they have, and we all met up there on Friday night to hang out. I didn't go very...

Finally the day that baby Sophie was blessed arrived! After being rescheduled like 6 times (okay that was an exaggeration) it finally happened! Chance and I had to attend our Church meetings first because we had to teach primary. And let me tell you, we walked out of there SO done. Those kids can seriously being obnoxious sometimes. I love...
EXPLOSIONS IN THE KITCHEN: CORNBREAD EDITION Hey future kids. Remember when the syrup bottle exploded? Well, after tonight, I think we have decided that we may just make a reality TV show called, EXPLOSIONS IN THE KITCHEN. Tonight's explosion featured the cornbread and glass pyrex dish: Here's how today's story goes. You're dad and I worked out together in the evening, and...